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Author Archives: Employment and Commerce Law Group

Unpaid Overtime FAQ

Published December 14, 2020
Unpaid Overtime FAQs

Tennessee employers are expected to abide by federal overtime laws or face stiff penalties. Despite this fact, many hardworking Tennesseans run into disputes with their employers regarding overtime pay. It can be difficult to understand the complexities of wage laws,…

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Employment Lawyer

Published September 10, 2020
Questions to Ask Your Employment Lawyer

Knowing what to do if you’re having trouble at work is understandably stressful. We all depend on our jobs for financial security. But if you believe that have been treated unfairly or are the victim of harassment or discrimination at…

Your Rights Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Published June 23, 2020
Your Rights Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect life throughout the country. To help businesses and individuals cope with the impacts of the virus, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was established. This act provides certain employees with the right…

McDonald's Agrees to Pay $26 Million to Settle Wage Theft Lawsuit

Published April 2, 2020
McDonald’s Pays $26 Million in Wage Theft Lawsuit

McDonald’s has agreed to pay $26 million in a settlement with California employees who accused the fast food chain of not paying them appropriately for overtime and denying them breaks, among other things. The class action lawsuit was brought on…

Bullying Bosses Can Worsen Workplace Safety

Published March 18, 2020
Workplace Safety Can Worsen Under Bullying Bosses

Everyone experiences job stress at some point. But a new study shows bullying from a boss can put you —and everyone you work with — at a greater risk of workplace injury. A survey of airline workers and manufacturing technicians…

Our COVID-19 Update

Published March 16, 2020

You Don’t Need to Leave the House to Meet with Our Lawyers. Concerned About Coronavirus? We all have a duty to keep ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe right now. This means temporarily reshaping the way we…

Breastfeeding Discrimination Cases Led Nursing Moms to Lose Their Jobs

Published October 14, 2019
Nursing Moms Losing Jobs Due to Breastfeeding Discrimination

Federal laws protect breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. But according to a recent study, nursing mothers often face reprisals for seeing to their breastfeeding needs at work — including losing their jobs. A full two-thirds of cases of alleged breastfeeding…

How an Oxford Comma Won $5 Million for Truck Drivers

Oxford Comma Helps Drivers Win Overtime Pay Dispute

Small technicalities can sometimes transform the outcome of legal cases. That just happened to a group of truck drivers in Maine. A group of delivery drivers recently won $5 million for unpaid overtime after a judge ruled that a small…

Court Rules Punitive Damages Are Available Against Insurance Companies For Bad Faith Denials of Coverage

Published April 10, 2019
Court Rules Punitive Damages Are Available Against Insurance Companies For Bad Faith Denials of Coverage

Recently the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals held an insurance company may be liable for punitive damages for denying a valid claim. The court also held the statutory caps on punitive damages in Tennessee were unconstitutional. In Lindenberg v. Jackson…

Local Veteran Hero Award Winner

Published April 3, 2019
Employment & Commerce Law Group Present Local Veteran E.J. Hirsch With Local Veteran Hero Award

The Employment and Commerce Law Group are proud to announce the winner of their Local Veteran Hero award: Sgt. Emil John Hirsch, III. Sgt. Hirsch served his country spending time in both Afghanistan and Iraq. While in Iraq, Sgt Hirsch…

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