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Cyber Harassment in the Workplace: A Growing Concern

Published July 10, 2024 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Cyber Harassment in the Workplace: A Growing Concern

Cyber harassment is a serious problem, especially when it happens at work. While online harassment is not new to Tennessee workplaces, it is rising as more employers shift to remote work settings. According to a recent Workplace Bullying Institute survey,…

What Can I Do If My Supervisor Is Harassing Me?

Published March 7, 2022 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
What To Do If My Supervisor Is Harassing Me?

People who experience workplace harassment often suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, diminished self-esteem, and fear. When the harassment comes from a boss or supervisor, employees also feel a tremendous sense of powerlessness. By nature, there is an unequal power…

Hostile Work Environment and Workplace Harassment: What Is the Difference Between Them?

Published December 31, 2021 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
What Is the Difference Between a Hostile Work Environment and Workplace Harassment?

Laws against workplace discrimination protect employees and provide legal guidance on what to do when an employer breaks the rules. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) considers many factors to determine when violations occur. Understanding the terms used to define…

How To Handle Workplace Bullying

Published December 15, 2021 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
How To Handle Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying is never OK. It’s also against the law in Tennessee. If you are being bullied or harassed by a supervisor or coworker, the Nashville employment attorneys at the Employee and Consumer Law Group can advise you of your…

Can You File a Lawsuit for Verbal Harassment in the Workplace?

Published June 15, 2021 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Can You File a Lawsuit for Verbal Harassment in the Workplace?

Are you a victim of verbal harassment at work? If so, you might be wondering if you have the right to take legal action against those responsible for your mistreatment. Here, the Nashville employment lawyers of the Employment and Commerce…

Bullying Bosses Can Worsen Workplace Safety

Published March 18, 2020 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Workplace Safety Can Worsen Under Bullying Bosses

Everyone experiences job stress at some point. But a new study shows bullying from a boss can put you —and everyone you work with — at a greater risk of workplace injury. A survey of airline workers and manufacturing technicians…

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