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Filing a Title VII Claim: A Step-by-Step Guide for Nashville Workers

Published July 15, 2024 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Filing a Title VII Claim: A Step-by-Step Guide for Nashville Workers

Tennessee employees have state and federal protections from workplace discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. You can take legal action if you are a victim of…

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2023: What Employees Should Know

Published March 19, 2024 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 2023: What Employees Should Know

Statistics show that 80 percent of working women have a child during their lifetime. Pregnancy comes with immeasurable rewards but also health risks. Until recently, certain employment laws failed to protect working mothers sufficiently. The new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act…

Nashville Religious Discrimination Attorney

Published February 2, 2024 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Nashville Religious Discrimination Lawyer

Federal and Tennessee laws prevent employers from discriminating against workers based on their religious beliefs or customs. These laws also require employers to make reasonable accommodations so employees can observe their chosen spiritual practices. Despite these guaranteed protections, employers sometimes…

Nashville Age Discrimination Lawyer

Published by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Nashville Age Discrimination Lawyer

Has your employer mistreated you due to your age? Were you passed over for a position or advancement? If so, you may have the right to seek financial compensation and other relief for what you’ve endured. A Nashville age discrimination…

Workplace Discrimination Claims Nashville

Published September 8, 2023 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Nashville Workplace Discrimination Claims

Discriminating against employees and prospective employees isn’t just unethical — thanks to state and federal laws, it’s often illegal. Anti-discrimination laws extend to all aspects of employment, from the initial recruitment and interviewing processes through compensation and benefits to disciplinary…

Five Signs of Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Published July 23, 2021 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Five Signs of Age Discrimination in the Workplace

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects people over 40 from being harassed or mistreated at work. Specifically, the law prohibits employers from treating an older worker unfavorably in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, salary, job assignments,…

How Companies Try to Get Rid of Older Employees

Published April 29, 2021 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
How Companies Try to Get Rid of Older Employees

Companies should value older employees for their experience and knowledge. But unfortunately, there are cases where business owners or managers actively try to get rid of older employees. This practice violates Tennessee and federal laws regarding age discrimination in the…

Breastfeeding Discrimination Cases Led Nursing Moms to Lose Their Jobs

Published October 14, 2019 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Nursing Moms Losing Jobs Due to Breastfeeding Discrimination

Federal laws protect breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. But according to a recent study, nursing mothers often face reprisals for seeing to their breastfeeding needs at work — including losing their jobs. A full two-thirds of cases of alleged breastfeeding…

Chattanooga TV Reporter Fired While on Leave For Cancer Treatment

Published December 18, 2018 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Chattanooga TV Reporter Fired While on Leave For Cancer Treatment

Earlier this month, Sinclair Broadcast Group fired 22 year old reporter Alex George while she was on leave receiving treatment for cancer. She was a reporter for WTVC in Chattanooga. In May of this year, a teary eyed Ms. George  announced…

Discrimination Against Transgenders Illegal Says Sixth Circuit

Published March 8, 2018 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Discrimination Against Transgenders Illegal Says Sixth Circuit

The Sixth Circuit ruled this week federal anti-discrimination laws apply to transgender individuals in the workplace. The Sixth Circuit covers the states of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In the case of EEOC v. R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes,…

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