Filing a Race Discrimination Claim in Tennessee
Workplace race discrimination includes unfair treatment, harassment, or the denial of employment opportunities to someone based on their race, skin color, ancestry, or relationships with someone of another race.
It is illegal under federal and Tennessee law. It also causes tremendous harm to victims.
If you believe your employer violated your rights, you may be able to take legal action against them. Here’s what you need to know about filing a race discrimination claim in Tennessee.
Recognize the Signs of Race Discrimination
The first step in fighting racial discrimination is recognizing the signs. Signs of workplace race discrimination include:
- Hiring, firing, or promoting an employee based on race
- Denying work assignments to an employee based on race
- Excluding an employee from meetings or work activities
- The use of racial slurs
- Racial “jokes”
- Insulting or offensive remarks or behaviors targeting an employee’s race
- Physical or verbal abuse or intimidation
- Unfair or unequal treatment
- Racial stereotyping
- Segregating employees based on race
Gather Evidence
If you believe you are the victim of racial discrimination, begin gathering evidence. Start keeping a journal detailing discriminatory incidents and the time, date, and location where they took place. Save emails, texts, recorded meetings, or phone calls where discrimination occurred. Note the names of witnesses who observed discriminatory behaviors.
Report the Discrimination to Your Employer
You should report racial discrimination to your employer immediately. Discuss the issue with your manager and file an official complaint with the company’s Human Resources (HR) department. Document these conversations and ask for a copy of the complaint.
File a Claim with the EEOC or Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC)
If your employer does not effectively end racial discrimination in your workplace, you can file a claim with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC). A race discrimination attorney can assist you with this process.
Important things to remember:
- You have 180 days from the date of the discriminatory act against to file a claim with the THRC. Claims filed through EEOC must be filed within 300 days of the violation.
- The Tennessee Human Rights Act covers employees with at least eight employees. You can only file a race discrimination claim with the EEOC if your employer has 15 or more employees.
Once you file a claim, the EEOC or THRC may dismiss your claim, ask you to participate in mediation with the employer, or investigate your claim further. If either agency believes you have a valid claim, they will send a “right to sue” letter.
Mediation and Investigation
A race discrimination attorney can investigate your case and collect evidence to support your claim. Your lawyer can use this evidence to build a robust argument to mediate a settlement or negotiate for fair compensation.
Pursue a Lawsuit if Necessary
If you cannot settle your claim outside of court, you can pursue a race discrimination lawsuit in Tennessee. If you have not hired an attorney yet, we strongly recommend you consult one at this stage.
Possible Outcomes of a Race Discrimination Claim
If your race discrimination claim is successful, you can secure a settlement or legal judgment compensating you for your losses. Compensation may include back pay, front pay, lost employment benefits, punitive damages, and reinstatement of your employment.
Get Legal Help from a Nashville Race Discrimination Attorney
If you experienced racial discrimination in your workplace, the Employment and Commerce Law Group can help you seek justice. Call now or contact us online for a free consultation.