Author Archives: Employment and Commerce Law Group
Terminated on Your Day Off: Can This Really Happen?
Learning you lost or are about to lose your job can be shocking. But can your employer fire you on your day off? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is usually yes. In Tennessee, your employer can fire you at…
Can I be fired or subject to discipline for "quiet quitting"?
Recent polls suggest that up to 50 percent of the U.S. workforce is mentally withdrawing from work in a phenomenon dubbed “quiet quitting.” If you’re stepping back from your career because you’re feeling burnt out, underappreciated, or underpaid, you might be…
Tips for Selecting a Whistleblower Lawyer in a Fraud Case
Reporting fraud against the government can be a frightening prospect. You know you should notify the proper authorities of someone’s illegal activity. However, you might also worry about your employer retaliating against you and costing you your job. You shouldn’t…
Curious about your rights as a worker? Understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a great place to start learning. In this blog, the Employment and Commerce Law Group attorneys discuss the FLSA and address some of our most frequently asked…
FLSA Exemption Test: Everything You Need to Know
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) outlines which employees in the United States can receive overtime pay. Many workers are eligible for overtime, but those who aren’t are considered exempt employees. Unfortunately for many workers, employers frequently misclassify employees who…
What Can I Do If My Supervisor Is Harassing Me?
People who experience workplace harassment often suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, diminished self-esteem, and fear. When the harassment comes from a boss or supervisor, employees also feel a tremendous sense of powerlessness. By nature, there is an unequal power…
Hostile Work Environment and Workplace Harassment: What Is the Difference Between Them?
Laws against workplace discrimination protect employees and provide legal guidance on what to do when an employer breaks the rules. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) considers many factors to determine when violations occur. Understanding the terms used to define…
How To Handle Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying is never OK. It’s also against the law in Tennessee. If you are being bullied or harassed by a supervisor or coworker, the Nashville employment attorneys at the Employee and Consumer Law Group can advise you of your…
What Your Boss Is Not Allowed to Make You Do
People in management positions are responsible for making a range of important decisions at work. They are often in charge of training, supervising, and disciplining employees. But having a leadership role doesn’t mean that an owner, manager, or supervisor can…
Why You Shouldn’t Talk About Politics at Work
It’s natural for employees to have non-work-related conversations while on the job. But you should always be careful about which topics you discuss. Talking about politics is never a good idea. People are passionate about their beliefs, and a difference…