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Are Short Breaks Taken at Work For Health Reasons Compensable? What About Time Spent Traveling to and from Work?

Published April 18, 2018 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Are Short Breaks Taken at Work For Health Reasons Compensable? What About Time Spent Traveling to and from Work?

Wage theft occurs when employers don’t pay employees everything they are owed by law. Generally, the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay employees for all work time. There are common issues in FLSA and some gray areas…

Burberry Pays $2.54 million in Overtime Settlement

Published November 12, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Burberry Pays $2.54 million in Overtime Settlement

Luxury retailer Burberry has agreed to pay $2.54 million to its workers in settlement for its failure to pay employees overtime , aka “wage theft“. The class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of employees who say they were regularly…

The Unpaid Intern - Am I Owed Overtime or Minimum Wage?

Published November 11, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
The Unpaid Intern – Am I Owed Overtime or Minimum Wage?

Job prospects are tough for young people these days, especially in some of the “glamour” industries like professional sports and the music industry- as a result employers in these and other industries are using these unpaid interns for free labor….

Overtime for Truckers, Drivers, and Loaders

Published November 10, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Overtime for Truckers, Drivers, and Loaders

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, many types of workers are not guaranteed overtime pay due to exemptions ranging from computer professionals to sugar processing employees. One of the largest exemptions includes folks working in the over the road transportation…

Tip Pools - Whose Tips Are They Anyway???

Published November 8, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Tip Pools – Whose Tips Are They Anyway???

Tip pools are common in the service industries; tips are important to service employees obviously as the industry has a lower required minimum wage than other industries. The minimum wage for tipped employees is only $2.13 and has not been…

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