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Discrimination Against Transgenders Illegal Says Sixth Circuit

Published March 8, 2018 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Discrimination Against Transgenders Illegal Says Sixth Circuit

The Sixth Circuit ruled this week federal anti-discrimination laws apply to transgender individuals in the workplace. The Sixth Circuit covers the states of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In the case of EEOC v. R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes,…

Employment At-Will, What Does It Actually Mean?

Published November 9, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Employment At-Will, What Does It Actually Mean?

What exactly does it mean when they say a certain state is an “employment at will” state? In simple terms, it means that an employee can be fired at any time, regardless if the employer has a legitimate excuse or…

Discrimination in the Workplace Based on Military Service

Published November 7, 2017 by Employment and Commerce Law Group
Discrimination in the Workplace Based on Military Service

Unexpected and long-term military deployments keep many men and women in the armed forces away from their civilian jobs for months or years at a time. Federal law provides certain job protections for military service members. But when employers ignore…

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